Virtual Presentation Tips for Serious Job Seekers in FMCG
Power Up Your Online Presentation to Land the Role You Want
For companies – and especially because of the coronavirus pandemic – the internet has become a must-have tool. This includes for hiring new people.
Many companies will now ask candidates to make a presentation online. They want to check your knowledge, experience, expertise, and communication skills.
However, it turns out that not everyone is good at online presentations. If you’re a candidate who cannot present well virtually, you may miss out on a role that is perfect for you. These virtual presentation tips will make sure you don’t.
3 Ways to Make Your Presentation a Standout Success
When presentations go wrong, it’s usually because of a lack of preparation, time constraints, or even lack of presentation experience. Mishaps can be easily avoided by following these three simple rules:
1. Set clear expectations and objectives
Don’t confuse your audience with unclear objectives. Instead, use a script or outline to give your viewers a general idea of what you will be speaking about. You’ll set clear expectations and give yourself a framework to present with clarity.
2. Tell a compelling story
Storytelling is crucial to emotionally engage your audience. This enables you to deliver the facts you want your viewers to consume in a way that helps them connect. Through turning the facts you are sharing into a story, you bring the person you’re presenting to on a journey making your presentation more memorable.
3. Be a clear communicator
It is important to maintain professional language in your online presentation and content. It’s also important to use language that all participants can understand. For your presentation to be widely appreciated, it must be widely understood. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this:
- Be aware of your speech patterns – think about tone, pace, and the words you use.
- Eliminate the acronyms/office speak – remember that not everyone watching will be familiar with your industry.
- Explain industry specific terms – just like those acronyms, not everyone understands specific and often specialist terms.
- Always deliver to your audience – make sure you know who is present so you can tailor your delivery.
- Welcome ‘hand-raising’ – at the beginning of your presentation, ask people to raise their hands for clarification of any points. Never be condescending if they do. Instead welcome the interruption and use the feedback to help you improve delivery next time.
- Practice before presenting – practice with a live audience before you make the presentation, making sure they comment on all the above points.
The Importance of Presenter Prep for Online Presentations
The importance of presentation preparation cannot be overstated. When you are presenting, you are in control of the content and your audience’s attention. Without preparation, your audience may become distracted. The moment you lose control, your effectiveness as a presenter will plummet.
There is no better way to ensure that your presentation is relevant than to have a clear idea about what you want to achieve. Therefore, here are four things that you should consider when preparing for your presentation:
- Goal: What do you want to achieve from your online presentation?
- Audience: Who are they?
- Subject matter: What do you need to cover?
- Approach: How should it be structured?
Presentations are an excellent way to convince hiring managers of your skills and the value you can bring to their company. However, preparing for a presentation is stressful and time-consuming, not to mention the fact that it’s hard to get a clear picture of what you want from the hiring manager. Ensuring you address these four points will ensure your efforts are not wasted.
Tips to Plan and Deliver a Successful Online Presentation
Presentation planning is a big task that requires many hours of preparation, research, and practice. However, if you want your presentation to be successful, preparation is unavoidable – there are no shortcuts.
The key is to make sure that you keep things interesting for your audience by keeping them engaged in the flow of your talk. The best tips on how to achieve this are:
· Familiarise Yourself with the presentation software
Don’t rely on your knowledge of one piece of presentation software. While all software packages have similarities, they are also all different. Zoom. Teams, Google Meets, etc. all have different features.
The best way to get used to specific presentation software is to do a dry run with a colleague or friend ahead of the presentation day. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect. You won’t waste valuable time getting things right in the live event. And your reputation as an accomplished presenter will be enhanced.
· Use graphics in online presentations
Graphics can make presentations engaging and visually captivating. It helps the viewer to focus on certain points. They also help the presenter (you) to keep track of what they have said so far and what is coming up next.
When using graphics, make sure to use images that:
- Are relevant to the topic at hand
- Have a strong message
- Incite emotion within the audience
Take care not to overuse graphics. This can make it harder for your audience to understand what you are trying to say and may distract from your main message.
Used effectively, graphics will help you to convey your message faster and more effectively. However, you need to make sure that they support the content rather than overshadow it.
· Use your presentation time well
You will probably have been given a timeframe for your presentation. This doesn’t mean you must use all this time. Providing you convey all the points you must, a shorter presentation is usually best.
The best way of getting your message across is by being concise, clear, and coherent with your language and tone. You also must make sure that you have enough time for questions at the end of your presentation.
There’s a bonus tip here. At the start of your presentation, ask how everyone is for time. This way, you will know if you can run over by a couple of minutes if needed. During the interview, if you feel you are running over time, don’t be nervous about how you’re doing for time: no doubt there will be questions at the end, and this question will help to set audience expectations.
· Plan Your Slides
Plan out how many slides on each topic you will present. Make sure they are well-organized and easy on the eyes. Don’t use too many colours or distracting images in your slides – this can get tiring for viewers who have just tuned in for your content. Lastly, make sure that you include captions to explain each slide.
· Look Good on Camera
It is important to ‘look good’ on camera. One of the simplest ways to do this is by taking care of your appearance before you start filming. Remember also, to maintain eye contact – look into the camera and not at the screen.
· Build in Spontaneity and Excitement
One of the key aspects of effective presentations is spontaneity and excitement. It is important to be able to talk with your audience and build rapport without the use of extensive scripts or notes.
Here are some tips on how to do that:
- Practice, practice, practice! This will give you more confidence in front of an online audience.
- Speak with enthusiasm and a sense of urgency about your subject matter.
- Speak in an engaging tone that makes people want to listen more.
- Ask interesting questions about anything related to your topic.
Finally, consider using humour if, and when, it is appropriate to do so. People like to laugh, but remember to keep humour uncontroversial.
· Keep Your Audience Involved
Too often, presenters tend to rely on one-way communication instead of listening and engaging with their audience. There are many ways to get an audience involved while presenting online. One of these is to ask for their input, such as asking them if they have any questions throughout. You can use the chat window in online presentation platforms to help you.
Another way is to ask the audience what they hope to get out of the presentation, right at the very beginning. You can then use this knowledge at the end – repeat what they told you they wanted from the presentation, and ask if you have delivered to their expectations, or if they have any questions to ask or points to clarify.
The Key to Success in Online Presentation Is Confidence
An online presentation gives you the opportunity to establish your expertise and authority. However, it can be quite difficult to do, especially if you are not comfortable with public speaking. You may also be nervous of what others may think of you or your ideas. Presenting in front of an audience is a skill that needs to be honed over time and with practice.
Preparation is key. The tips we’ve included here should help you overcome any nerves you may have. Practising your presentation will improve your confidence, and as your confidence grows you will show your natural self – your personality will break through, and it is this that will most engage your audience.
What is your biggest fear when presenting online? What is your best tip to overcome this fear? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a message and let us know, and we’ll try to answer your concerns.
If you are searching for a new management-level or senior role in FMCG, contact Lime Talent today.